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economical comparison中文是什么意思

用"economical comparison"造句"economical comparison"怎么读"economical comparison" in a sentence


  • 经济比较


  • Technico - economical comparison
  • The economical comparison on the economy opened aroad of jiangsu , zhejiang , shanghai shandong and guangdong
  • Based on the project scale argumentation of letan hydropower station , the paper briefly introduces the main results of scheme ' s technical & economical comparison and the main factors of scheme option in the option and design stage of the normal storage water level and installed capacity , as well as the evaluating opinions given by the specialist group of project proposal evaluating committee ; the main technical characteristics for similar project scale argumentation are summarized up according to the project scale design argumentation of letan hydropower station
用"economical comparison"造句  
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